Since 2002, CEI.BA manages the S)ONE platform, designed by SOGET, for both maritime and air transportation. This platform provides a point of single contact for tracking administrative and customs procedures related to import, export and transshipment of goods.
The PCS is a digital platform that allows the instant exchange of information between private and public actors in the logistics chain: Shipping and airline companies, logistics and customs warehouses, customs brokers, terminals, customs authorities, ports, handlers, carriers containers and freight forwarders.
The system makes the process simpler, faster, more reliable and more secure.
The development of this Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system is an initiative of the Port and Maritime Association of Guadeloupe (UMEP) , the Guadeloupe Shipping Association.
CEI.BA has long been committed to advancing streamlined, efficient, and secured port and airport operations with more than 20 years of experince and expertise.
CEI.BA is a member of the Caribbean Shipping Association (CSA) and the Port Management Association of the Caribbean (PMAC).
The AP+ platform is the first of its kind in the Caribbean. Drawing upon its experience in developing a community port system and customs management tool, CEI.BA launched two projects co-financed by the INTERREG program:
The first operator of a Port Community System in the Caribbean
- In use at the Port of Jarry since 2003
- In use at the Port of Pointe-à-Pitre since March 2012
- In use at the Port of Basse-Terre since August 2012
- In use at Pole Caraïbes airport since October 2012

Other important dates
- 2003 – Partnership agreement with French Customs executed
- 2006 – CEI.BA was recognized by the French Customs Administration as a secure maritime, port and customs Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system (source: B.O.D. #6676 of 10 July 2006)
Nom du projet : Plan de formation juin 2016 à juin 2019
Description du projet : Anticiper et accompagner les mutations économiques pour favoriser l’adaptation des travailleurs et sécuriser les trajectoires professionnelles des salariés
Montant total : 129 K€ dont FSE : 88 K€

Bien que petite par sa taille, CEI.BA n’en est pas moins grande par son action pour l’insertion des jeunes en entreprise.
Dans cette perspective, CEI.BA participe activement au programme « Ecole / Entreprise » et répond régulièrement de façon favorable aux différentes demandes de stages qu’elle reçoit.
- Découverte d’entreprise, pour les collégiens et lycéens
- Courte durée pour les élèves de BTS
- Longue durée ou alternance pour les étudiants allant du BTS au Master I
L’entreprise se donne les moyens pour intégrer ces jeunes à l’équipe dans les meilleures conditions et les accompagner dans la réalisation de leur formation.